North Wind Quilters Guild

September 2024: Dizzy Daisy Block

June 2023: Woven Dreams Block

August 2024: Milky Way Block

February 2024: Rain Boot Block

December 2023: Card Trick Block

July 2023: Star Block

October 2024: Dutchman's Puzzle Block

November 2024: Present and Stocking Blocks

​​Block of the Month

Instructions for making each months block will be provided in the monthly newsletter.  

Each month you make two  blocks using the materials kit provided by Catherine Bors.  One block goes into the Block Of The Month drawing at the General Meeting and the other block will be used to make a Community Service quilt. We are asking for a $2 donation that can be returned when you turn in your completed blocks. Or you can donate the $2 towards BOM supplies

For more information about the BOM program you may contact the Block of the Month Committee Chairperson:  Catherine Bors & Jessie Jeans.

January 2024: Star 9 Patch Block

November 2023: Gift Block

March 2024: Dutch Treat Block

September 2023: Cat Block

April 2024: Spring Diamond Block

October 2023: Leaf Block

July 2024: Canning Jar Block

May2024: Spring Basket Block

August 2023: Folded Corners Block

June 2024: Leah's Star Block